Monday, April 20, 2009

Let Me be A Kid!

God! God! The Mighty God!

Still a kid, am I not?

I just want to play and play,

Make and break the houses of clay.


Hold the sunrays in my fist,

Fantasize the shapes in the mist.

Create the new words on my own,

Speak a language not yet known.


To be the ruler, to be the ruled.

To befool others, to be befooled.

To try everything like a stupid,

To be a kid and just a kid.


But they don’t realize, so it seems,

For they burden me with their dreams.

Dear God! You let them know,

On my behalf, a big-big No!


You are the One, you know me.

A tool for their dreams, I won’t be.

Give me the time, let me groom.

Trust me & give me the room.


I will hold the time for you

And do the wonder, you never knew.

Just for the time being, let me be,

The Child, the kid, what I am to be.