Thursday, November 26, 2009

26/11 for An 8 Year Old

Hello Everyone!

I am Pragati because my name is Pragati. Mom says Pragati means development and progress. She says that I am development and progress of India, so I am Pragati of India.

You know when this Pragati of India, I mean I was 7 years old I used to remember 3 important dates. 15th August because that is our happy Independence day, 26th January because that is our happy republic day and 18th August. 18th August... because that is my happy birthday.

Now Pragati of India, I mean I am 8 years old. Now Mom says that I have to remember one more day, 26th November. But I hate it because first it doesn't have a name and second Mom doesn't even let me use happy before it. I just don't get the point, If we can't use happy before it, then why should we remember it. Now I have the extra burden of remembering one more day in addition to huge syllabus already there. Would these days keep adding as I grow older. Did it happen to you also when you were 8. Does it create any additional burden on you also, this addition of new dates every year. I think I was better when I was 7.

Pragati Gupta
An 8 Year Old Kid


piyush said...

this is touchy yaar...
u kan write some serious stuff......

Praveen said...

really nice one...
wonderfully written with some serious message....

Sanchit421 said...

gr88 thought and satire.....but the ending went drab....didnt connect to the impact the starting had...

Anonymous said...

Nicely written, i really liked it.
